Date & time
08.03.2023 18:30 (GMT+3)
The Nordic and Baltic regions are two of the most digitalised regions in the world. In recent years, the countries have been quick to respond to technology-facilitated gender-based violence.
However, hate and violence are always finding new outlets, with society’s response always one step behind.
So, what are the blind spots in the prevention of o technology-facilitated gender-based violence from the perspective of researchers, civil society, and those most affected?
Meet our expert-panel:
- María Rún Bjarnadóttir, Director for Internet Safety, Icelandic National Police Commissioner
- Iluta Lāce, Director of the Association MARTA Centre Latvia
- Kari Helene Partapuoli, National Director, Plan International Norway
- Tuija Saresma, Associate Professor, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
- Christian Mogensen, Tech Advisor, Office of Denmark’s Tech Ambassador to the U.S.
- Christian Veske, Gender Equality and Equal Treatment Commissioner, EIGE, Estonia
Moderator: Karen Ellemann, Secretary General of the Nordic Council of Ministers
This CSW67 side-event is hosted by the Latvian Government and the Nordic Council of Ministers
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Vida Gintautaitė
Adviser for Social and Health issues
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