Date & time
02.04.2020 11:30 (GMT+3)
VMU Agriculture Academy
English and Lithuanian
The event is organized in the framework of the Interreg Baltic Sea Region project “Unlocking the Potential of Bio-based Value Chains in the Baltic Sea Region” (BalticBiomass4Value), which is being implemented by 17 business, science and public sector organizations from Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland, Germany, Sweden, Norway, and Russia.
During the plenary session relevant strategies and programs of the European Union and the Baltic Sea Region will be presented. Participants will also have access to get acquainted with analyzes and forecasts of biomass resources in the Baltic Sea Region and their use made by experts from the BalticBiomass4Value project. The second day of the event will feature personalized sessions to discuss solutions with companies to innovate the use of biomass resources for the production of environmentally friendly higher value-added bioproducts and bioenergy.
You can download the full program of the event here.
Languages of the event are English and Lithuanian.
First day: April 2nd, 11:30-13:00, Conference Room at IVth Building of VMU Agriculture Academy, Universiteto Street 8A, Kaunas
Second day: April 3rd. 10:30-13:00, Room No. 610 at IIIrd Building of VMU Agriculture Academy, Universiteto Street 10, Kaunas
There are no charges, but pre-registration is required, since the number of participants is limited and, for the preparation of the event, the organizers need information on activity areas of the companies planning to participate. Please register by filling in the registration form here. Notably, information provided in the registration form will only be used for the purpose of organizing the event.
More information

Lina Janušauskienė
Adviser for Economy, Finances and Energy
Lithuanian, English, Russian