Date & time
27.09.2024 10:00 (GMT+3)
Town Hall, Didžioji St.. 31, Vilnius
Expanding from successful past Nordic Youth Summits in Reykjavik and Oslo, the Nordic-Baltic Youth Summit will now include the Baltic countries, bringing together Youth Councils from Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden Greenland, Åland, and the Faroe Islands.
The Summit aims to prioritize the needs of young people and it’s programme has been tailored to address their pressing concerns. Guided by survey results, these topics range from democracy and youth well-being to mental health, peace/security, climate action, and youth involvement. Aligning with these priorities, workshop partners – including Nordregio, Nordic Information on Gender (NIKK), Nordic Welfare Center, Swedish Agency for Youth and Civil Society (MUFC) and more – will offer fresh insights into key issues such as fast fashion, gender equality, entrepreneurship, and sustainability.
The Summit is organised and hosted by the Nordic Council of Ministers Office in Lithuania in collaboration with Lithuanian Youth Council (LiJOT) and The National Council of Swedish Children and Youth Organisations (LSU) and is made possible by financial support from the Nordic Committee for Children and Young People (NORDBUK) and the Nordic Council of Ministers.
For programme and more updates on the Nordic-Baltic Youth Summit, visit and follow the Instagram account NByouthsummit.
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