
Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme for Public Administration is open for applications

2024 01 15

The Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme for Public Administration is now open for applications from civil servants and other staff in the public sector from 15 January 2024. There is one application round in 2024, the deadline for submitting applications is 1 April.

A successful project application should involve partners from at least three countries: Nordic applicants should visit a minimum of two Baltic countries, while Baltic applicants should visit partners in at least two Nordic countries.

Why apply?

  • You and your colleagues in the Nordic and Baltic countries have ideas, plans and experiences worth discovering and discussing with partners.
  • Applying and reporting is easy and user friendly – all can be done online at NB8-Grants.

Results from 2023

64 applications from the Nordic-Baltic region were approved for granting with a total budget of 349 340 € in 2023. A total number of 402 civil servants are participating in the projects granted by the mobility programme during 2023/2024.

The statistical results of all participating countries in projects supported by the programme in 2023 are following (numbers behind the name of the country show in how many projects the country is participating in 2023 both as applicant and partner):


  • The electronic application system   is open from 15 January 2024.
  • Please read the guidelines carefully and start looking for project partners in good time.
  • Register or log in if you are already a user of the mobility programme and start filling in the application – please note that you can fill in the application step by step up to the deadline.
  • Do not forget to submit your application before the deadline – 1 April 2024!

Examples of best practices, success stories of projects supported by the mobility programme can be found here: Success stories – NB8-Grants (

Feedback from the successful participants

Palmira Morkunienė, Chief Specialist at State Health Care Accreditation Agency under the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Lithuania, project Study visit to NO, SE, ISL to exchange experiences on surveillance of quality and safety of health care:

„The programme met all our expectations. It was easy to submit the project due to very clear and understandable guidelines. All questions were answered by the programme manager without delay. The host institutions kindly suggested to discuss the planned agenda of the visit and thus the most important issues for us were included into agenda and were discussed during the visit. The knowledge acquired during the project will help us to improve activities of our institution”.

About the Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme for Public Administration

The programme offers grants for mobility and networking, the annual budget of the mobility porgramme 200 000 EUR, is financed by all NB8 countries – Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway and Sweden. The purpose of the programme is to promote and strengthen cooperation, exchange of knowledge, and networking between public administration structures on all administrative levels in the Nordic-Baltic Region. The programme aims to facilitate the harmonization of more efficient working methods in the public sector. The overall goal is to increase the global competitive power of the region.


Madis Kanarbik, Programme Coordinator
Nordic Council of Ministers’ Office in Estonia
Phone +372 5046570
Languages: English, Swedish, Estonian

More information

Brigita Urmanaitė

Brigita Urmanaitė

Adviser for Culture and Education

Lithuanian, English, Norwegian, Estonian, Russian



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