
Climate Friendly Communities

01.03.2021 - 31.10.2022

Grassroots movements and community action play a vital role in shaping the environment we live in, including in fighting climate change. Communities present a fascinating case of uniting individuals to work together towards a common goal - from building stronger societal connections to solving local and global challenges. The impacts of community action are especially visible when the processes and results are shared, and the activities are scaled throughout the region.

To mobilize community action on climate change, a new project was initiated by Nordic Council of Ministers office in Lithuania in partnership with a community center and a social enterprise Miesto Laboratorija (eng.”City Laboratory”) in Vilnius, Lithuania. Together with project partners Dodo from Finland, Foodsharing i Borås from Sweden and Nordregio they aim to encourage, empower, and equip communities in Lithuania and Nordic countries to fight climate change.

Project purpose and goals

The project aims to encourage, empower, and equip communities in Lithuanian and Nordic urban areas to fight climate change.

Project activities, the positive examples shared, and the collaborations built throughout the project will spark action and help communities become the solution to climate change, rather than the cause of it.

Project target groups

  • Existing community groups interested in being more environmentally friendly in Lithuania and Nordic countries.
  • Ministry and municipality representatives who are keen to support community action and / or are responsible for community development.
  • Organisations working with community action or with relevant activities communities can take.


Lead partners:

  • Miesto Laboratorija, Lithuania
  • Nordic Council of Ministers Office in Lithuania

Other partners:

  • Dodo, Finland
  • Food Sharing i Borås, Sweden
  • Idėjų lysvė, Lithuania
  • Šilainių sodai, Lithuania
  • Nordregio, Sweden

Key events and activities

1. A series of introductory workshops will explore the role of cities and urban communities in the transition towards low-carbon living. Workshops focus on activities that are both climate friendly and help foster a closer relationship between people and their environments:

  • Energy workshop. Event to discuss possibilities to reduce energy use, make one’s own energy or transition towards renewables.
  • Mobility workshop. A workshop to emphasize the significance of sustainable travel solutions and the numerous benefits of active travel from mental and physical health to reduced emissions.
  • Urban gardening workshop. A workshop to spark interest in urban food production, help participants start their own community gardens, grow their own food, and encourage participants to consider the effort and resources needed to produce the food one eats
  • Food workshop. Food waste is a both detrimental financially and contributes to the climate crisis. Food waste reduction workshop will increase knowledge on steps communities can take to reduce waste, from short food to supply chains and partnerships with local farmers to creating a “community fridge” distribution point.

2. The study visits will focus on sharing knowledge, best practices and common challenges

3. Publication of a climate guide for communities. The climate guide will comprise of best practices from Lithuania, Finland and Sweden identified throughout the workshops and a set of practical steps communities can take on to become climate friendly and to involve more different groups of citizens. To further showcase the guide, it will be presented in a document and mini video series format.

4. International forum “Climate friendly communities” as a mean to explore the role of communities in global movements and showcase the best practices of community action in the region. In tandem with emphasizing the role and cases of community climate action, the event aims to foster collaboration, network and further inspire climate action.

Key events

Climate Friendly Communities: Renewable energy for communities (April 22, 2021)

Event recording ENGLISH LANGUAGE 

Community initiatives play a key role in creating and shaping the environment in which we live and have the potential to help tackle global challenges. Today we ask – how can community energy help fight climate change?

On April 22 at 3 p.m. we had an event to discussed how to find the key to big change through community initiatives and we focus on energy. At the event, we examined what practices the Nordic countries are proud of, what perspectives are envisaged for Lithuania and what actions and measures can be taken by those who want to act here and now.


  • MARTYNAS NAGEVIČIUS: energy expert, president of the Lithuanian Renewable Energy Confederation, director of the Lithuanian Association of Energy Consultants, public figure, politician.
  • JANNE KAPYLEHTO: inventor, scientist, engineer and extremely interesting personality

Panel discussion: Deputy Minister of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania DARIUS KVEDARAVIČIUS, MARTYNAS NAGEVIČIUS and JANNE KAPYLEHTO discussed community energy prospects and possibilities in Lithuania and Nordics. The discussion was moderated by LRT journalist VAIDA PILIBAITYTĖ.

Climate Friendly Communities: Sustainable Mobility (June 16, 2021)

Event recording ENGLISH LANGUAGE 

One of the biggest environmental challenges today is mobility. A dense network of vehicles and transport systems is required to meet even the basic needs of urban economy – cars, buses, trucks etc. and each one of them leave their carbon footprint.
1/4 of global CO2 emissions comes from transporting people and goods – that makes solutions for sustainable mobility a hot challenge for cities. Thus, every one of us need to make a choice: exchange cars for public transport or other sustainable means of transport – like bicycles, electromobiles or electric scooters, maybe even walk more or share cars with neighbours.
We are empowered to offer and develop solutions ourselves to ensure sustainable mobility and more climate-friendly alternatives. That is what we discussed on June 16th during a hybrid event with participants choosing physical participation or live broadcast.


  • dr. Kristina Gaučė – mobility expert, founder and manager of UAB “Gaučė ir Ko”.
  • Anton Nikitin – Vilnius City Municipality’s Chief Engineer and Advisor to Administration.
  • Swedish Cycling Cities – an association of Sweden’s most ambitious municipalities and organisations dedicated to working for increased and safer cycling.
  • Eduardas Kriščiūnas – Chairman of the Lithuanian Cycling Association, active member of Antakalnis’ community council, who has also worked as an advisor to the mayor of Vilnius on transport and urban development matters in 2011-2015.