
Inclusive Tech Ecosystem in the Nordic and Baltic Regions

15.01.2019 - 15.03.2020

The gender gap in the technology sector is a significant issue in the Baltic Sea countries, with too few women pursuing careers in this field. Despite various initiatives, these efforts often lack support and resources for effective collaboration and scaling. To address this, the Nordic Council of Ministers and the Women Go Tech mentorship program have launched a project to identify and support grassroots initiatives that encourage female participation in tech. This project aims to build a partnership network across the Baltic-Nordic region, facilitating knowledge exchange and scaling successful initiatives.

In the Baltic countries, persistent stereotypes limit women’s participation in tech. In Lithuania, women constitute less than 20% of the tech workforce, and fewer than a quarter of ICT or engineering students are female. The demand for tech talent is high, with over 2,000 new jobs in Lithuania’s tech sector annually, many of which remain vacant, highlighting the urgent need to attract more women to the field.

Project purpose and goals

The objective of this project is to systematically identify and document successful initiatives promoting gender equality in the technology sectors of Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, and Iceland. Through collaborative efforts, including partnerships with organizations such as Riga Tech Girls (Latvia), Tech Sisters (Estonia), GoGetty (Denmark), Potential Company (Denmark), Stockholm Startup Weekend (Sweden), and others, the project aims to achieve a more robust and sustainable impact.

Its primary goals are:

  • Establishing a partnership network among NGOs, businesses, and policymakers to facilitate the exchange of experiences and best practices in addressing gender disparities in technology.
  • Strengthening the capacity of NGOs in the Nordic-Baltic region to effectively address gender equality challenges within the technology sector.
  • Using this network to support the expansion and enhancement of initiatives like the Women Go Tech programme and other grassroots efforts across countries in the Baltic Sea region.

Project target groups

Potential ICT specialists, young women and Girls in STEM area, policy shapers and decision makers, potential startups.


  • Nordic Council of Ministers
  • Nordic Council of Ministers Offices in Lithuania,  Latvia and Estonia
  • Nordic House in Reykjavik
  • Nordregio
  • Nordic Culture Point
  • Nordic Innovation

Key events and activities

  • Seminars and knowledge-sharing workshops in Latvia, Estonia, Iceland, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Norway.
  • Participation with a report at a conference in Finland on April 22, 2021.
  • Closing conference in Lithuania in autumn 2021.